Future Generations Collaborative
Barbie's Village
The FGC is very good at finding solutions to the challenges the Native community experiences. One solution to the houseless crisis in the Native community is Barbie’s Village- a tiny, tiny home village for houseless Native parents with small children.

About Barbie's Village
Barbie’s Village Vision
Barbie Jackson Shields (Atwai), was an original Natural Helper with the FGC and a member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs. She and her husband Ken (our very own Native Barbie and Ken!), assisted the FGC with the work in the community.
In 2017, Barbie tragically passed away from a brain aneurysm. To honor her and keep her legacy alive, the FGC came up with the vision of Barbie’s Village. The village will provide
- Stable housing;
- Early childhood services;
- Access to medical and dental care;
- other wraparound services
Much gratitude to Hennebery Eddy Architects and Danae Sakuma (Umatilla descendent) for their volunteer work on designing the vision and thanks to community members who shared their dreams for the village.
In the News
Indigenous community celebrates land gift for tiny home village in Northeast Portland

Barbie's Village
Barbie’s Village is located in the former Laurelhurst Presbyterian Church in NE Portland. Currently, the FGC uses the building for their early childhood programming, as the hub for their public health work, for meetings and trainings and to host various community gatherings.Over the last two years, the FGC has been engaged with the church as well as the Leaven Land and Housing Coalition and others on a “land back” gift where the church will gift the land and former church to the FGC so that Barbie’s Village can be built.
UPDATE: In November 2023, the Presbytery of the Cascades voted to gift the land and church to the FGC.
UPDATE: On Friday, March 15th, 2024, the property transfer of Barbie’s Village to the FGC was signed and completed! The FGC is now able to move forward with the needed renovations to the building as well as the plans forward for the tiny homes. #landback