Our Mission
The mission of the Northwest Indigenous Food Sovereignty Alliance (NIFSA) is to “restore Indigenous food systems while living in reciprocity with our land, water, plant and animal relatives.”
Collectively, we believe that access to traditional foods is the most powerful tool we have to combat chronic diseases and other health issues that are impacting our Indigenous people.
Indigenous food sovereignty is much more than promoting a healthy traditional diet. It is about reclaiming Indigenous people’s ability to access and manage traditional food sources. Food sovereignty promotes gaining a better understanding of and in relationship to the land and waters that nurture our foods and medicines.

Our Purpose
Our purpose is knowledge sharing, building collective capacity and power, and supporting Indigenous food producers, gatherers, and land tenders. The goals and objectives of the alliance consist of shared projects such as seed saving, food education, land access and land back, food processing, research, mentorships, job pathways, community connections and social gatherings.
Overall, the aim is to share cultural knowledge and resources while protecting first foods, land, and water and are committed to deeping meaningful relationships with Indigenous, Tribal, and other targeted communities.
- Native American Youth and Family Center (NAYA) – www.nayapdx.org
- Native American Rehabilitation Association NW – www.naranorthwest.org
- Wapato Farms – https://www.wapatoislandfarm.com/
- 7 Waters Canoe Family – Instagram: 7waterscanoefamily
- Native Gathering Garden – Portland Parks and Rec – https://www.portland.gov/parks/community-gardens/ngg
- Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission – https://critfc.org/
- Oregon State University Extension
- Good Rain Farm https://www.goodrainfarm.com/
- Wombyn Roberta Eagle Horse-Ortiz https://www.wombynswellnessgarden.com/
- Indigenous Health Equity Institute
- Portland State University
- Prismid Sanctuary Mick Rose https://www.prismid.org/
- Wisdom of the Elders https://wisdomoftheelders.org/
- Metro Regional Government https://www.oregonmetro.gov/intertribal-cultural-resources
- Multnomah County Public Health Department
- And many knowledgeable and dedicated community members