Future Generations Collaborative
Engagement Mode
The FGC’s Community Engagement Mode works collaboratively with the other modes to provide opportunities for healing, bring the community together for uplifting and positive experiences, to provide training or other gatherings where tools and resources are shared.
The efforts of the Community Engagement Mode are assisted by Elders and Natural Helpers as well as Community Health Workers who help to develop and nurture community connections through culturally responsive activities and events.

About Engagement Mode
By creating meaningful relationships that allow for people in the community to feel safe, loved, welcomed and needed is what we call community wellness work and what others refer to as public health work.
Highlights of Community Engagement Mode work include: community healing gatherings, information tables at community events, offering community celebrations, providing training, assisting with resource sharing and collaborating and assisting with other community gatherings.
In our spare time we also engage in anti-white supremacy and anti-oppression work, especially with the systems that our community engages with. We enjoy being witness to these changes as we know that when “shift happens,” we all win.

Latest Projects Include
- Barbie’s Village
- Communications – Newsletter, Website, and Social Media Presence
- Decolonizing Summit
- Community Engagement Events – many community events including baby showers, cultural events, support circles, conversations, and more!
- Elders & Natural Helpers HUB